Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Next 7 Years: Pt 4

As promised in part 3, here is a FAQ of my upcoming sabbatical and a list of ways that CBFers (and anyone interested) can participate. Thanks to all who have read through all 4 parts of this introductory series of blog posts! My goal is to make future entries shorter and more readable. Please post your comments! I'd love your feedback and to dialogue with you!

Sabbatical FAQ’s

1.     How long will Barry’s sabbatical last?
Approximately 10 weeks, from approximately June 4 through around August 15.

2.     Who will pay for the sabbatical?
There are no budgeted church funds paying for any sabbatical expenses. Barry will bear or raise the funds to cover all costs. Church members can contribute to the cost of the sabbatical through the church and the elders encourage this. (Giving to this sabbatical should be above both the regular tithe and any other special giving already committed to Cornerstone.)

3.     Will Barry’s family go with him?
No & Yes. Barry will travel to Israel alone but be joined by his family for all other plans. The summer time frame provides a unique window for the four Wingfields to connect, discover, and grow together. To ensure they are ready to fully engage in this journey, they will plan a few days of vacation between each major sabbatical activity.

4.     How will we be in contact with Barry?
While an important part of any sabbatical is to make a complete break from normal activity, Barry will post a weekly blog as a means of recording his experiences and thoughts for his own benefit and to allow the church to participate with him. He will not reply to personal emails during this time. An emergency contact process will be set up by the office staff. The only emergency for which they will return early would be a life threatening illness in their immediate family.

5.     What are some of the ways Cornerstone will benefit from Barry taking this sabbatical?
a.     Teaching from a refreshed and re-inspired pastor.
b.     Teaching from hands on experience in the Holy Lands and in foreign missions.
c.     Leadership enthused with a fresh & long-term perspective.
d.     Hearing from the Wingfields in LifeGroups, student groups, children’s groups and congregation-wide sharing sessions as well as a written summary of experiences presented to the elders and available to the church
e.     Future Cornerstone-led Holy Land travel opportunities for Cornerstonians.

How can I participate in this?

1.       Pray that all plans, (travel, activities, and funding) will be finalized with minimal problems.

2.       Encourage Barry and his family to fully embrace the experience and to enter into it with the full support of their Cornerstone family.

3.       Follow the sabbatical journey from start to finish by connecting to the sabbatical blog: www.barrywingfield.blogspot.com

4.       Ask questions before and after the sabbatical. Invite the Wingfields to your LifeGroup to report upon their return.

5.       Give financial support to help make it all possible. Deductible contributions can be made to Cornerstone Bible Fellowship, Memo: “Sabbatical”. (Giving to this sabbatical should be above both the regular tithe and any other special giving already committed to Cornerstone.)


  1. I've enjoyed reading these and have added you to the "Recommended Blogs" section of my own.

    Look forward to seeing you all this summer!


    1. Thanks Wes! Looking forward to being with you guys too. (As you can see, I am much too wordy for Twitter. It's too Attention Deficit for me. I can only read it or write on it after way too much caffeine :).
